
Thursday 15 August 2013

Cheat, Trick and Tips Star Wars Battlefront 2 for Pc


Cheat List

Head to the Instant Action menu and hold your mouse’s cursor above the Battlefront logo at the bottom corner. A place for you to insert the text below on the left should appear, which will allow what’s on the right to occur.

  • 456123 - Campaign Selection
  • agoodblasteratyourside - Infinite Ammunition
  • mostimpressive - Invincibility
  • usetheforceluke - Removes HUD


Perform the following actions to unlock additional weapons.
  • Elite assault rifle - Get Legendary Status in Frenzy
  • Flechette shotgun - Get Legendary Status in Regulator
  • Guidable rockets - Get Legendary Status in Demolition
  • Particle beam rifle - Get Legendary Status in Marksman
  • Precision blaster - Get Legendary Status in Gunslinger
  • Vehicle regen - Get Legendary Status in Technician

Get Full Ammo and Health Fast for CIS

While playing on the CIS's side and you need health or ammo, switch to the Droideka and switch back to any other Droid to get full health and ammo.

Transport Ambush

When fighting in space, select a Bomber. Fly right into the enemy hanger. Shields up or down doesn't matter. Park directly behind the enemy gunship or transport and wait.
Pilots going to the ships will leave you alone UNLESS you get out of your ship.
When the transport takes off, you take off. Once you both leave the hangar bay start bombing. 4 to 5 bombs will take out a transport and everyone on it.
All you have to do is turn around and head for the hanger and repeat. I have gotten up to 50 kills in a normal battle without dying. Of course, the transports hold different number of AI and players. Enemy players will of course, not be that stupid, but nothing the marines pack can appreciably damage your occupied bomber if your pilot has the regeneration bonus.

Vehicle Criticals

Rebel Hover Tank: The black coolers on the sides.
Empire hover tank: The circle on the back.
Droid hover tank: The rear panel.
Droid tank (tracked): Rear tread cylinder.
Droid Hailfire: Cylinder below the cockpit.
Empire AT-RT: The spot between the legs.
Droid Spider Walker: Linkage between the legs and body.
Empire AT-ST: Back block between the legs.
Empire AT-TE: Cylinder along the bottom.
Empire AT-AT: Neck between the body and head.

Bot Blindspot (Space Assault)

Bots tend to lack the ability to think in Space Assault. If you rely on them heavily, here're some tricks to make them behave in relation to the very important transport in space assault:
Bots that are passengers disembark when the shuttle lands the first time.
Bots that are occupying a weapons position (including the un-bot-friendly tracking missile) disembark each subsequent time to you land.
Bots cannot reenter the shuttle (and subsequently explode it) if you land it on a ramp or on a narrow stretch of floor (as on some stages) since the majority of the shuttle body is floating off the ground.

Space Assault Time Bomb Timing

The pilot's time bombs are the most potent explosive for space assault. Use them to destroy the critical systems inside enemy ships:
Shield Generator ... 4 time bombs to destroy.
Autoturret Mainframe ... 2 time bombs to destroy.
Life Support ... 3 time bombs to destroy.
Engine Cooling System ... 3 time bombs to destroy.
Note this assumes the enemy team does not repair the systems being attacked.
safe play, and May The Force Be With You!